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Take advantage of the 5 best addresses in Lyon to refresh your taste buds 😋
1. Unico Artisan Glacier
▶ 91 montée de la Grande Côte, Lyon 1

Source IG : @unicoglacier

2. La Fabrique Givree
▶ 66 rue Saint Jean, Lyon 5
Source IG : @estellelbn
3. Yogolicious
▶ 28 rue Saint Jean, Lyon 5

Source IG : @foodie.focus_on

4. Terre adElice Glacier
▶ 1 place de la Baleine, Lyon 5
Source IG : @vivrelyon
5. RenE Nardone Glacier
▶ 3 place Ennemond Fousseret, Lyon 5

Source IG : @versalax
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